Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Lesson's learned from other's mistake

 Lesson Learnt Live (L3) - 13

Learning from mistakes is always a good practise for improvements. Learning from others mistakes benefits us that we did not commit that mistake, we did not lose any resources but the learning can be reused.

My suggested steps involved in learning from others mistakes are as follows :-

  1. For anyone to share their mistakes and learnings, we need to build trust in them to open up their mistakes. (Irrespective of whether the candidate is a friend/relative/colleague)
  2. Once the candidate opens up, have good intentions, converse the discussion with active listening (Another topic). 
  3. Traverse the same incident/mistake (path). Note down the corrections which could have been done/implemented.
  4. Do not ask too many questions as introspections, that candidate loose the interest of sharing the incident. (use open ended questions and lesser suggestions)
  5. Capture the learnings if any doubts try to validate the learning with the candidate.
  6. In learnings, these points needs to be covered resource usage (time, energy) & opportunity lost
  7. Mark the cue that led to the mistake so that the mistake is not repeated.
  8. Create a log and share the log/points/steps. (like this one)
  9. Repeat the above steps for learning from own mistakes (Steps 3 to 8) and others mistakes

Note :- The above steps are with respect to author's assumptions/limited knowledge. Any suggestions/improvements do comment.

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