Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Looking for the loose brick

 Lessons Learnt Live (L3) - 11 - "Looking for a loose brick"

The Stone Age didn’t end because they ran out of stones. It was learning, innovation and technology that ended it. As part of L3, Let's try to learn from strategies used in corporates to improve our professional and personal life.

"Looking for a loose brick" - The concept has been far discussed and used in the "sales team" circle to meet the customer needs.

Concept goes that next time you hit a brick wall, don't attack head-on. Instead, look for the loose brick. The loose brick is always the one thing which the client needs most.

The concept can be taken to a larger level other than sales related to both personal/professional life.

To do that, we may need to invest time & patience to find the loose bricks in projects/audits/adherences by friends/relatives/team.

Finding the loose brick requires active listening and calm questioning. If you want your prospect to get down to the truth, you may need to expose a little of yourself first to establish a deeper trust. And if you take such an approach to your next difficult conversation, you'll successfully achieve two things.

  • Discover the real problem.
  • Avoid a complex step/measure.

Whenever we hit a brick wall or a resistance to change, there maybe a real problem which can ensure that the problem is mostly resolved. (Usage of Pareto's 80-20 principle)

Instead of putting a complex system/map to be adhere, it will be good to break down the bigger map to small understandable steps.

Even in personal life, "Looking for a loose brick", can be to help/look out for hobbies of friends and families. Ensure these hobbies are inclusive in each meeting, so that the relationship grows.

Many article is written about this topic, for more details kindly google or read

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